About me

Hi! I'm Jonathan Acosta-Torres, but most people call me Jon.

I'm a tech enthusiast that loves to build cool stuff with computers and share what I learn.

I started my career in the US Air Force where I was a Client Systems Technician which is a fancy term for "IT guy".  After 5 years of that (4 active duty, 1 reserves), I decided to move into IT security and landed my first security role as a DoD contractor. After learning the basics of security there I sought my first private sector job and was hired by Accenture as a security engineer. During this time I started to take a real interest in cloud and eventually got hired at Amazon (AWS) as a cloud security consultant. After 2 years of that I switched over to Google (GCP) where I am currently a senior cloud security architect.

My non-work creative pursuits include tinkering with new technology, building cool stuff, and sharing what I learn here and on my YouTube channel.

My LinkedIn if you want to learn more about me or connect with me.